Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The girls catching up on a little night time reading.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Afternoon Mar'Tea'ni Party

Thank-you Lauren & Erika for joining us for Afternoon Tea (wink, wink)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Let me explain this picture

Since Courtney was 18 months old she has posed for the camera by turning her head all the way to the side of her shoulder. Well, now Hayley, not to be out done by her sister has picked up the trick. Everytime they hear the camera turn on both there heads automatically turn to the shoulder and they say 'Cheese'.

Courtney is so excited to be on the boat.........not!

Check out Courtney as she sleeps on the boat while Carter is in the water kneeboarding. Everytime we go on the boat in the evening she falls asleep within minutes. It must be the sound of the motor or something, but it is so funny because we are all so noisy around her and she doesn't even bat an eyelid.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Picnic on the Boat

Perfect weather for a picnic on the boat. Our simple sandwiches always taste so much better on the boat.