Friday, April 23, 2010

Still trying....... get a picture of the girls both looking at the camera & smiling.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Courtney

My Courtney, you are my little helper. You are such a good girl. You are so polite, smart and creative. I love your hugs. You are such a good big sister Hayley is lucky to have you. She adores you and copies your every move. I could write a book on the funny things you say. An example from this morning 'Mom, Hayley whacked me in my foot elbow' My translation 'Mom, Hayley kicked me in the ankle'. We all love you, Happy Birthday, Mom

Hayley jealous....never!

I was trying to take a picture of Courtney in her new Birthday Belle night gown and Hayley just had to get in the photo! You will notice Courtney, being the professional model that she is, keeps on posing without letting Hayley interrupt her photo shoot.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Garage Sale

I usually don't go to Garage sales, but check out this one! I would love to rummage through all this stuff.

Hayley has a little something on her face....just a smidge of chocolate

This is what happens when you leave Hayley alone with her Easter Basket. Did I mention she got this messy in about 30 seconds?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

We love you! Happy Birthday!