Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Birthday

Sean,  when I think of the many roles you have, Coach, Brownie Baker, "Captain" of Industry, Manicurist, Hairdresser, Tutor, Swim Instructor, Living Chair, Chef, Father and Husband (just to name a few) am I reminded over and over why we are going through life together as a pair.  You are the smile to my frown and I love you for that!   Our children our extremely blessed to have you for their Dad.  They are growing up surrounded by a special love that only a father can give.  I am proud to be your wife and love you, Theresa

Friday, November 9, 2012

Summer Fun

This summer seemed to go by in a flash and several things I wanted to post about got put to the side.  I am trying to catch up and would like to share some of our fun summer activities that I neglected to share.  

This video was taken at Kings Island.  We have gone there the last two years to celebrate Carters birthday.  The girls love the bumper cars!  Even with about twenty other cars on the ride they still manage to find and bump into each other!  (Click on the video to watch in full screen mode)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blast from the past

The girls and I were looking at some old pictures and we came across this one and the girls started cracking up and wanting to keep going back to it and laugh.  Do you know which one of the girls this is ? 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Missing Disney

Here are the kids last December at Disney World visiting with the 'real' Mr. and Mrs. Claus.  The entire family is having serious Disney withdrawal right now.  I think this is the longest we have gone between trips (almost 9 months).  Hayley is already planning her birthday and it includes a trip to the Magic Kingdom and I am just fine with that!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


We have had a week of temperatures in the 100's.  It has been too hot to even go to the pool! Tonight,our friends had an outdoor party.  Even though the start time changed to 6 o'clock it was still in the high 90's.  I snapped this picture of the girls before they changed into their swimsuits (about five minutes after we arrived).   

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sky Lanterns

Sean brought home his usual arsenal of fireworks ready for the 4th of July.   This year he brought home two sky lanterns for the girls.  They pretended to be Rapunzel and made a wish as they helped Sean release the lanterns.   The lanterns floated so high and eventually went out of sight.  The girls loved it! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Carter

What a fun day we had celebrating your 11th birthday!  Unfortunately, I left the battery for the camera on the charger at home, so we didn't have a camera to document our fun trip to Kings Island.  

I can't believe another year has flown by!  This photograph was taken when you were two years old at Nanny and Grampy's house.  You are modeling the latest Tupperware fashion.

You are my special guy and I love that you have your Dads big, beautiful, brown eyes and long eye lashes.  Your eyes are smiling in this picture and it makes me smile when I look at them. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Hayley will not stay still long enough to take a decent photograph.  You should see the other 400 shots I had to take of her making silly faces and sticking her tongue out before I finally snapped this one.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Then.....and Now

I remember thinking how big the boys were on their first day of elementary school. Looking back on that photo they seem so small.  Here they are today their last day of fifth grade in the exact same spot.  These two boys fight and play like brothers.  Future college roommates ?  I can't even imagine......

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Barbie Charm School

Here are a few of the treats I made for Courtney's Birthday.  Everything turned out so pretty!  Unfortunately, my camera broke the night before, so I borrowed three other camera's and am slowly getting the pictures sent to me

Monday, May 21, 2012

Let's Go Pixie's

Courtney is a proud member of the Pixie All Star drill team.  This was taken during one of her practices.  I hoping to get an action shot during one of her performances.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To Jessica.....

Thank-you so much for taking the trip to visit Sean and I.  I know it wasn't easy to travel on your own such a long way, but I am so grateful you did !  We have special connection and you are always in my thoughts.  

What a fun week! Friends, family, floats, wrestling, tears, laughter, drama, sun and drinks.  I thought this picture summed up our time together the best, fast and crazy.  Love you !  Theresa

Monday, April 9, 2012

The journey continues......

  Who would have thought cupcake liners & paper straws would be the start of a new venture ?  In just a few years, our online shop has gone from a few bakery and party items for sale to over five hundred.  We have over 2500 Facebook fans and an army of loyal customers.

   We are happy to announce that in August we will be opening a new brick and mortar store in Powell, Ohio.  This is great news for those customers who live in the Columbus area, but it also means we will have more room to carry a larger selection of items online. 

  Please check us out on Facebook for updates and sneak peeks at new inventory. 

Friday, March 16, 2012


Sisters and Best Friends

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pop Star Saturday

Sean has started a new Saturday morning tradition.  The girls have 60 seconds to get 'pop star' ready.  They then have a photo shoot with Sean as the photographer.  I think they did pretty good for only one minute.  Courtney even had time to put on blue eye shadow (she didn't borrow it from me, she has her own!).